Set in a near-future Tokyo devastated by a catastrophic event known as the 'Great Collapse,' De:Lithe Last Memories immerses you in a compelling narrative of hope and reconstruction. As the commander of the 'Doll Squad,' your objective is to guide a group of talented girls as they collaborate to rebuild Tokyo while uncovering the secrets of a mysterious gate to another world and the enigmatic dreams they experience. The storyline is deeply woven with themes of personal growth, intertwined emotions, and the collective aspirations of these characters, offering an engaging experience for fans of strategic role-playing games.
A Unique Rogue-Like RPG Experience
This game delivers a distinctive rogue-like RPG experience that focuses on solo gameplay, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the intricacies of character development and strategic battles. Character growth is designed to be satisfying and efficient, with an engaging progression system that allows you to enhance your squad effectively in a short amount of time. The game's design offers a seamless and enjoyable gameplay flow, appealing to both experienced RPG players and newcomers.
Dynamic Worldbuilding and Character Diversity
The game's setting creates a vivid representation of a slightly futuristic Tokyo, combining familiar urban elements with a science fiction twist. De:Lithe Last Memories stands out with its diverse roster of characters. Each team, namely Seraphim, Thrones, Cherubim, Dominions, Dynamis, and Exia, features unique personalities and compelling backstories, enhancing your immersive experience as you lead them through their journey.
De:Lithe Last Memories blends strategic gameplay with a rich storyline, making it a must-download for enthusiasts of solo RPGs and intricate worldbuilding.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 9 or higher required
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